• A Life Plan - Starts with Dreams
  • A Life Plan - Needs a Plan
  • In Time a Life Plan becomes a Reality
Life Plan - Spiritual Wellbeing

Life Plan - Spiritual Wellbeing

Feeling good about yourself; your belief system, your moral compass, your mental and physical health are the foundations of your future success and happiness.

Life Plan - Financial Well Being

Life Plan - Financial Well Being

Life's dreams of a lifestyle comes with a price tag. For most earned Income drives the that lifestyle. Protecting that financial engine from life's roadblocks is a prudent step.

Life Plan - Relationship Wellbeing

Life Plan - Relationship Wellbeing

The richness of your dream's realities depend to a large measure on the richness of your relationships with family, friends and business associates.



Life Plan

So, what is a Life Plan? One can equate a life plan to a “Float Plan” for someone who plans to take his yacht and sail the “Loop” [Say from Toronto, up the Great Lakes to Chicago down to the Mississippi River, to The Gulf of Mexico, around The Florida Keys and up the east coast and up the Hudson River back to Lake Ontario.

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Taxing the Beaver

                                        TFSA Limit 2024 - $7,000                                                                     Tax Filing Deadline: April 30, 2025                                                            RRSP 2024 Deadline: Mar 1, 2025;                                                                Max Contribution: Lesser of                                                   18% of earned income and $32,490