Month: March 2022

Life Plan – 1

So, what is a Life Plan? One can equate a life plan to a “Float Plan” for someone who plans to take his yacht and sail the “Loop” [Say from Toronto, up the Great Lakes to Chicago down to the Mississippi River, to The Gulf of Mexico, around The Florida Keys and up the east…

The 9dots

From where did the site name 9dots99 come to be. Well let’s analyse that. We need to break that down into two parts, “9dots” and “99”. The conceptual origins of 9dots came from the notion of creative thinking or approach to solving problems. Most have heard of the reference of having to “think outside the…

Financial Wellbeing

We are going to take Ted and Gail through the Financial Wellbeing portion of the Life Plan and the necessary considerations therein. Financial Wellbeing is a state of financial balance where inflows of cash exceed cash outflow demands and the attainments of the goals set are on track. If the reverse situation occurs, where one…